Happy New Year folks

I hope we’ve all managed to see the New Year in sensibly and safely and not too many of you had to put up with a barrage of fireworks. Unfortunately there are a LOT of dogs being reported missing due to fireworks scaring them, so please do keep an eye out on your local social media sites just in case you come across a “stray” whilst out with your own dogs. It’s not a bad idea to take a spare slip lead out with you anyway, just in case.

Just to remind people - if you do come across a stray dog and you end up having to take it home because none of the services that deal with the situation are open - it is an offence to take in a dog and keep it. It’s basically theft and all found dogs have to be reported to the local dog warden, who will then tell you what’s the correct procedure for your area. If you can get the dog scanned for a microchip - local vets do it for free and there are a lot of scanning groups in local areas who will come out and do it for you - and there’s a microchip, this must be reported to the chip company that the dog’s registered with. There could be some family desperate for news of their missing dog.

I’d also like to warn people that there are a LOT of dogs being stolen at the mo -groups taking them to sell on / breed from / get a ransom for. People are being mugged out on walks and their dogs stolen, as well as dogs being taken out of gardens/ cars/ outside shops. Please. if you make just ONE NY’s resolution let it be to KEEP YOUR DOG SAFE. Make sure their microchip details are up to date with your current address and phone number. and make sure they’re wearing a securely fitting collar with ID tag (that’s actually a legal requirement!) and take some photos of your dog, so you have an up to date image. You can also register your dog with some organisations such as Dog Lost, so if it does go missing, they’ll have all the details of the dog stored already.


There’s some horrible people out there, just wanting to make some money from people’s pets - so let’s make it as difficult as possible for them.


Rehoming Guidelines during lock down


Xmas comes early for the LL dogs