2021 Calendar Competiton

Just in case you’ve missed it :

The Lurcher Link Calendar Competition is BACK!!

We are asking for YOUR photographs to be included in our 2021 Lurcher Link Calendar.

You don't have to be a member of the Lurcher Link forum, or have a Lurcher Link dog. You just have to have a keen photographic eye, and fantastic photos you think suit the different seasons!

We need your photographs to show how amazing our community, and the dogs we all love are!

If you are interesting in joining in, we have a google forms document where you can upload your photos. We are putting a limit on 1 entry per person this year, but you can enter all 4 seasons and the front cover!

We need PORTRAIT photographs for our FRONT COVER.

We need LANDSCAPE photographs for WINTER, SPRING, SUMMER, and AUTUMN.

You can upload your photos on the following link: https://forms.gle/x3DwtXt5GhwmxNue7

We will be creating photo albums where we will be uploading the entries so you can all see what photos we have

The competition will run until Sunday 19th July.
Get snapping!

(If you have any difficulties with uploading photos, please contact kaye@lurcherlink.org)

This is what the 2020 Calendar looks like :



Fantastic news - fingers crossed!


Good news