Not a lot (dog wise) to say really...

I’m on the 12 weeks lock down / house arrest coz I’m in the “vulnerable” category for Covid 19. so it’s “same ‘ol, same ‘ol” here for the mo. I’m managing to get some gardening done and have started a little veggie patch - we have radishes, spinach, squash, onions, potatoes and some herbs and strawberries growing atm. I’ve got some fruit trees and bushes to put in when we’re certain there’ll be no more frosts and can borrow No 1 son to dig some holes for me. Odd Job is a big fan of radishes and spinach, so he’ll be happy when they’re cropped :)

One of our regular kennel volunteers has been poorly. so we’ve had to tell her to stay away for 14 days just in case, but Lu and Keiron have been sorting the rota out between them, so the kennel dogs are still being looked after properly. I’m trying to keep the house dogs entertained and as No 1 son has his dogs here with him, he’s in charge of the dog/s in the office (Scooby and his 2). is going to fetch our food from the pet shop once I’ve rung and ordered it and he’s venturing to the supermarket if necessary but we’re trying to avoid that as much as poss. We got one of the Morrison’s Delivery Boxes yesterday and they seem quite good value plus you can get them delivered within a day or so in most places. Trying to get a delivery slot at most supermarkets seems impossible at the mo, but I’m hoping |’ll be included in the new “vulnerable people” lists they’re formulating and it’d be great if we could do a “click and collect” shop……dream on eh? :)

The only thing we’re running a bit short of is rice for the “ Lurcher stew” I make up for their meals, but we’re using other things ( couscous today) to make it stretch further. It’s just purely there’s no bags of ( cheapo) rice on the shelves when Nick gets into the supermarket (50 min queue last week!!!) but I’m sure things will improve soon. I’ve got enough for the next week anyway and they certainly won’t go hungry.

So, that’s it really - no dogs in or out coz of the lock down and I’;m having to say “ Sorry no can do” to a lot of folk wanting to give up their dogs, but we simply don’t have the space until we can rehome some….I expect we’ll be doing some more online fundraisers soon as we’ve “ lost” the money we’d have raised for the rescue by having to cancel our show and being unable to have stalls at other peoples’ shows, so keep your eyes skinned for new and inventive methods of fund raising!

Plus I’d just like to say a big THANK YOU to everyone involved with the Virtual Greyhound and Lurcher Walk on Easter Sunday, organised by the Sighthound Social Club - that’s raised £190 to LL from your donations…..that’s 6 and a bit bags of dog food… THANK YOU ALL :)

Odd Job waiting for some radishes :)

Odd Job waiting for some radishes :)


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