Puppies update

I’m happy to say that the pups seem to be thriving, even though Mum has decided she’s had enough of them and is keeping out of the way for most of the time. They’ve got their eye open now and are starting to lap, so hopefully it’s all systems go. We were a little concerned about the smallest one, Marcus, as he didn’t seem to be feeding as much, but some timely intervention by the foster folks with supplementary bottles seems to have given him a boost.

We had a puppy naming raffle and the people who chose the winning numbers were allowed to pick a name for a pup…this is what we ended up with :

Girls: 1 Molly

2 Lucy

3 Dottie

4 Rosie

5 Maggie

6 Habeeti

Boys: 1 Marcus

2 Jax

3 Arthur

Every pup has already been reserved, without even advertising them, which is fantastic. Our wonderful volunteers have been busy doing virtual homechecks and keeping tabs on who’s having which pup…so exciting !!


Old friends, new arrivals


New arrivals....